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Dong-A Pharmaceutical Completes Anti-Cancer Drug Plant at Banwol, South Korea

Dong-A Pharmaceutical (President Kim Won-bae) hosted a ground-breaking ceremony for an anti-cancer drug
of EU-GMP at Banwol Industrial Complex (in Mokne-dong in Ansan City) in Ansan on August 27.

Dong-A Pharmaceutical is planning to export in full swing to Europe and other advanced countries its anti-
cancer treatments developed from cutting-edge facilities and expertise in plants to be completed in 2008. The
Banwol anti-cancer treatment plants, a six-story building (the building area of 2873㎡), will produce
Epirubicin® and other anti-cancer drugs.

The ground-breaking ceremony was attended by about 100 figures including Chairman of Dong-A
Pharmaceutical, Kang Shin-ho and President Kim Won-bae.

Chairman Kang said at his commemorative remarks, “We will export to all over the world including Europe, the
U.S. and Japan,” adding, “The spring board will be the Banwol anti-cancer treatment plants.”

Dong-A Pharmaceutical sealed an export contract deal on brand name pharmaceuticals including anti-cancer
treatments worth USD 68 million with five companies in three European countries in early August. Earlier this
year, it announced its medium and long-term plan to expand its overseas sales up to 40 percent of its total.

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About Dong-A Pharmaceutical

Dong-A is Korea’s leading pharmaceutical company. Based on its corporate philosophy that the greatest value
is life, Dong-A strives to be a responsible corporate citizen that contributes to the health and welfare of
humankind. Over the past 42 years, Dong-A has maintained a reputation as a trustworthy producer of quality
pharmaceutical products, and has risen to become the number one drug company in Korea. It is expanding its
overseas presence on the strength of its new drug and biopharmaceutical products. Dong-A Socio Group
includes Dong-A Otsuka, a beverage company, and Yongma Logis, a 3PL specialized company, and other
