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Zydena® Ranks Second in Domestic Sales for Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

Dong-A Pharmaceutical’s Zydena®, the erectile dysfunction treatment, ranked second in its market,
outrunning Cialis of Lilly. It is the first time for the drug to be in the second ranking since its release in
December 2005.

On November 29, the market share of Zydena® in the third quarter (in terms of the sales volume), according
to a pharmaceutical research group, reached 22.6%, that is 0.6% higher than Cialis with 22%. The share of
Viagra was 45.4%, Yaila 5.7% and Levitra 4.2%.

Strengths of Zydena® in the domestic erectile dysfunction treatment market such as adequate 12-hour
erectile duration and few side effects are assessed to appeal to patients. In fact, unlike its foreign
counterparts, no counterfeits of it are distributed with starkly few side effects.

Zydena® is projected to enjoy steady sales as its efficacy and safety proved strong to treat erectile
dysfunctions of hypertension and diabetes patients in recent clinical trials.

Currently, Zydena® is ready for the US FDA’s phase III clinical trial after completing phase II. Initiated by its
export to the Middle East including Saudi Arabia, a recent export contract with Otechestvennye JSC, the
biggest pharmaceutical company in Russia, has been signed, promising a rosy picture in its global presence.

In the domestic erectile dysfunction treatment market, SK Chemical released MVIX for the second time
(following Dong-A Pharmaceutical’s Zydena®, the first of its kind in Korea) on November 1, making a
competition among the six items, Viagra, Zydena®, Cialis, Yaila, Levitra and MVIX even more competitive.

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About Dong-A Pharmaceutical

Dong-A is Korea’s leading pharmaceutical company. Based on its corporate philosophy that the greatest value
is life, Dong-A strives to be a responsible corporate citizen that contributes to the health and welfare of
humankind. Over the past 42 years, Dong-A has maintained a reputation as a trustworthy producer of quality
pharmaceutical products, and has risen to become the number one drug company in Korea. It is expanding its
overseas presence on the strength of its new drug and biopharmaceutical products. Dong-A Socio Group
includes Dong-A Otsuka, a beverage company, and Yongma Logis, a 3PL specialized company, and other
