Dong-A Pharmaceutical researcher wins Travel Grant Award – Phase III clinical trial for new Korean drug
Stillen® is recognized at the United European Gastro-enterology Week.
Oh, Tae-Young, researcher at Dong-A Pharmaceutical (CEO Yoo, Choong-Shik) was awarded the Travel
Grant Award at the United European Gastro-enterology Week held from October 19 to 23 in Geneva, Switzerland
for his reports on the third phase trial for Stillen®, a gastritis drug scheduled for release this year.
The papers dealt with “Phase III Clinical Trial of Stillen®, a new drug containing Eupatilin, as a treatment
for chronic/Acute Gastritis.” Through macroscopic, structural, and molecular biological observation, Mr. Oh
confirmed Stillen®’s (DA-9601) protection of the gastric mucosa against damage from alcohol. Mr. Oh also
used gastroscopy on animals and regular humans to verify Stillen®’s superior protective qualities. He also
confirmed that stomach ulcers are worsened when Helicobacter and stress are combined, and that Stillen®
effectively combats ulcers arising from these causes.
The Travel Grant Award is given to scientists under the age of 35 for outstanding research papers and provides
expenses to attend the United European Gastro-enterology Week, a ten-year-old event that is second only to
the US Gastro-enterology Conference. Although a number of Korean researchers won awards for clinical
trials, Mr.Oh was the first to be recognized for basic research. Mr. Oh also won a Young Scientist Award at
the European Helicobacter Study Group held in Athens, Greece in September for his research.
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