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Dong-A Pharmaceutical, made an agreement for co-promoting Irribow, a treatment for diarrhea-type irritable colon syndrome

- With Astellas Korea for clinics and public health centers in Korea (excluding Jeju Island)

- Expect synergy with existing gastroenterology products, Stillen and Gaster

Dong-A Pharmaceutical (CEO Won-bae KIM) has made an agreement with Astellas Korea (CEO, Fuji Matztaro)
for co-promoting Irribow (active ingredient: ramosetro) for clinics and public health center in Korea (excluding
Jeju Island).

“Irribow” is serotonin, a neurotransmitter of sense and motion, accepting metabolic antagonists which will help
to repress growing frequency of defecation and diarrhea by treating defect on large intestine transport capacity
acceleration usually caused by stress.

Irribow was introduced in Japan in October 2008 and was the first specialized medicine for diarrhea-type
irritable colon syndrome. This, convenient once a day intake oral pill, is known for its safety with no particular
side-effect detected on central nervous system.

Causes for diarrhea-type irritable colon syndrome are unknown but one suspects drinking too much, irregular
meal, psychological stress, and bacteria enteritis to be the possible reasons. The syndromes for this illness
are stomachache, uncomfortable stomach feelings, and frequent diarrhea although the patients do not have
intestine related sickness such as colorectal cancer and ulcerative colitis.

There are estimated to be around 500,000 male patients with diarrhea-type irritable colon syndrome in Korea
with the market size of KRW 20 ~ 30 billion.

CEO Won-bae Kim said that “we expect this agreement for diarrhea-type irritable colon syndrome treatment to
bring synergies with our existing products, Stillen for gastritis, and Gaster for stomach ulcer, creating strong
market stance in gastroenterology domain for Dong-A”. He also added that Dong-A will continue to strengthen
its partnership with Astellas going forward.
