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Dong-A ST selected as primary supplier of anti-tuberculosis agents for the WHO in its global project

Dong-A ST selected as primary supplier of anti-tuberculosis agents for the WHO in its global project sector

-Dong-A to double its supply to WHO in 2014 according to the results of the 2014 international bids
-Dong-A to increase its product registration with many individual countries to expand its exports

Dong-A ST (President Park Chan-il) announced on January 7, 2014 that it had been selected as the primary supplier of anti-tuberculosis agents for the World Health Organization (WHO) in the organization’s 2014 international bids for anti-tuberculosis drugs and that it would expand its supply of the oral anti-tuberculosis medicine Closerin (major ingredient: Cycloserine) to the WHO in 2014.

The international bids for the WHO are staged on an annual basis in two categories, the India project and the global (the world except India) project. Evaluation criteria include suppliers’ tender prices and their supply capability. In 2013, Dong-A was classified as a secondary supplier for the global anti-tuberculosis project. In 2014, following the elevation of the company’s status, Dong-A expects to supply the WHO with Closerin worth around US$12.5 million, representing an increase of 184% over 2013. In addition, Dong-A is contracted with other pharmaceutical companies that are supplying their anti-tuberculosis medicine to the WHO for its India and global anti-tuberculosis projects and therefore expects to supply them with Cycloserine, a major ingredient of TB drugs, worth US$20.4 million. Overall, Dong-A expects to double its supply to the WHO in 2014 - from US$16 million in 2013 - as a result of its success in the 2014 international bids.

As a second-line TB drug, Closerin is designed for MDR-TB (multidrug-resistant tuberculosis) patients who show resistance to first-line TB agents such as Isoniazid and Rifampicin. Dong-A passed the prequalification (PQ) process at the end of 2012 and was allowed to participate in the WHO international bids starting in 2013.

Worldwide, the number of MDR-TB patients is estimated to be around 310,000, of whom 59,000 TB patients (i.e. 19%) have been reported to the WHO. In 2013, 45,000 of them received medical treatments of various sorts. The number of TB patients medically treated by the WHO has increased sharply, and this year the number is anticipated to rise by a massive 76% over 2013. Dong-A ST estimates that it will have to continue increasing its supply of Closerin and Cycloserine to the WHO as the organization is strongly committed to expanding its relief for TB patients across the world.

“A year after the company passed the PQ process and participated in the WHO international bids for the first time in 2013, Dong-A ST has been selected by the WHO as its primary supplier of TB medicines for its global projects in 2014. That is a strong confirmation of the company’s technological prominence as well as the excellence of its medical products,” said Ahn Kwang-jin, managing director of the International Business Division. “In addition to its success in the WHO, Dong-A ST is accelerating its product registration with many individual countries in anticipation of a continuous rise in its exports of Closerin in particular.”

Currently, Dong-A ST is promoting the registration of Closerin with the governments of India, China and the Philippines as well as elven countries in Africa. The company is also working hard to improve the product packaging, and is planning to establish additional supply systems to meet the rising demand for its products around the world.
