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Dong-A ST recruits ‘Dong-A Global Supporters’ for marketing practice program

On November 9, Dong-A ST (Chairman Eom Dae-sig) announced that it will start recruiting participants for its marketing practice program, called ‘Dong-A global supporters’, on November 12.

The Dong-A global supporters program enables university students go abroad to conduct marketing and volunteer activities. We established the program to allow university students to take part in overseas marketing activities and explore opportunities to help them grow as global marketers.

The recruitment drive will last from Nov. 12 (Mon) to 25 (Sun) and is open to any university students interested in marketing. For registration, please download the application form from the Dong-A ST website (www.donga-st.com) and submit it to uniglobal@donga.co.kr.

A total of 16 students (8 men and 8 women) will be selected. Primary candidates who pass the first-round of screening will be announced on Nov. 30 (Fri). Interviews will be held on Dec. 3 (Mon), and the final selection will be announced on Dec. 7 (Fri). Both primary and final candidates can be found at the official website of Dong-A ST.

Dong-A ST will provide all local activity expenses including airfare and accommodation. The selected ‘global supporters’ will travel to Indonesia, the Philippines and Cambodia for a total of 21 days from January 13(Sun) to February 2(Sat), 2019 after the first and second pre-training sessions to conduct local marketing and volunteer activities.

An official from Dong-A ST said, “This global supporters program will provide the selected students with a fabulous opportunity to experience various marketing activities and broaden their horizons. As such, I hope that many university students who are interested in overseas marketing will apply.”

Please call +82-2-920-8871 for further details about the Dong-A Global Supporters program.
