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Dong-A ST launches IBA proton therapy device on the market

On September 30, Dong-A ST (Chairman Eom Dae-sig) announced its launch on the market proton therapy devices from IBA (Ion Beam Applications S.A), a global manufacturer of medical devices.

Proton therapy is a method of cancer treatment in which cancerous tissue is destroyed by irradiating a patient's body with a proton beam generated after accelerating protons constituting hydrogen nuclei to 60% of the speed of light in the cylindrical accelerator of the proton therapy device.

The proton therapy device can control the proton beam in such a way that it dissipates after emitting maximum energy to a certain depth in the body, thereby minimizing the effects of the proton beam on normal tissue around the affected site and only destroying cancerous tissue. Compared to conventional radiotherapy, it improves a patient’s quality of life during treatment as it is more effective with fewer side effects, while the treatment time is shorter, thus enabling patients to return to daily life right after treatment.

The proton therapy device from IBA has a short installation period of 9 to 15 months compared to rival products, which is advantageous in terms of upgrades and additional installations. In addition, its small size makes it possible to minimize the installation space, further reducing costs.

It also simplifies the preparations for treatment and provides wireless control and instant image verification, which increases operating efficiency by 20% compared to competitors’ products, thereby enabling the treatment of more than 60 patients annually.

IBA is a global medical device manufacturer headquartered in Belgium, which leads the global proton therapy device industry with a market share of more than 50%. Over fifty centers around the world use IBA equipment to treat cancer patients, with Korea’s National Cancer Center first introducing the proton therapy device in 2007.

General Manager Ham Tae-in of Dong-A ST’s medical device division said, “The demand for proton therapy is expected to grow as the number of elderly cancer patients increases due to the need for excellent effects and safe treatment,” adding, “Dong-A ST will expand the supply of proton therapy devices to medical institutions in Korea so that we can increase opportunities for patients to receive better care.”

Meanwhile, Dong-A ST’s Medical Device Division is importing and selling orthopedic artificial joints, cosmetic implants, arteriosclerosis diagnosis devices, and electrosurgical equipment.
