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Dong-A ST reduces the size of its ‘Stillen 2X Tablet’ for gastritis

On June 10, 2019, Dong-A ST (Chairman Eom Dae-sig) announced the release of a new version of the ‘Stillen 2X Tablet’ for gastritis, now available as a smaller tablet.

The new Stillen 2X Tablet improves patient compliance with the medication while maintaining its efficacy. The tablet’s length has been reduced by 30% from 14.4mm to 9.95mm and its weight by 18% from 441.40mg to 361.40mg. In addition, the tablet is now available in circular rather than rectangular form.

In 2016, Dong-A ST introduced the Stillen 2X Tablet, reducing the dosage from three times to twice per day by applying its patent pending floating technology to its previous gastritis treatment (Stillen Tablet). The floating technology is a novel pharmaceutical technique in which a drug is suspended in the patient’s gastric fluid for slow release upon administration.

The Stillen 2X Tablet is suspended in the patient’s gastric fluid immediately after administration by the floating technology and released over a long time to ensure a uniform biological response for a set period.

PM Lee Dong-won of Dong-A ST Stillen Tablet said, “Many patients take multiple medications concurrently and have difficulty in swallowing a large-size medication. The new Stillen 2X Tablet is expected to improve effectiveness in treating gastritis patients by increasing patient compliance with medication.”