
동아ST의 최근 소식과 동향을 알려드립니다

새 소식

Erectile Dysfunction Drug, Zydena®, Released

On November 30, Dong-A Pharmaceutical marked the introduction of Zydena®, Korea’s first and the world’s
fourth erectile dysfunction drug and also celebrated the company’s establishment. Zydena® (Udenafil),
which will be sold on December 21, was developed with the support of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and
was approved as a new drug by the KFDA on November 29 after phase II and III clinical trials. According to
clinical results, Zydena® has fewer side effects than other products, has an ideal expression time of twelve
hours, and is different from other drugs in that it is a PDE-5 inhibitor.

Only three global companies (Pfizer, Lilly, Bayer) are currently selling erectile dysfunction drugs, and they
are dominating Korea’s KRE 80 billion market. As a Korean product, Zydena® is expected to take a large part
of the market share from these foreign companies. Zydena® is also more affordable than the other products,
which will benefit the Korean consumer. Zydena® is currently in phase II clinical trials at the US FDA, and
the drug will be released in the US in 2009 after phase III trials are completed. The product is already patented
in more than 30 countries, and Dong-A plans to sell the drug worldwide after FDA approval.